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Transform the way you hire
Delivery Drivers!

A next generation driver recruiting software to help last mile companies recruit and onboard drivers swiftly, letting you capitalise on the volatile delivery demand at your stations.

Get Started

Benefits that you get with Amazing Drivers

impsatisfaction to hire delivery drivers

Improve customer satisfaction

demand to hire delivery drivers

Capitalize on fluctuating demand

delivery backlog to hire delivery drivers

Prevent delivery backlogs

drivers pool to hire delivery drivers

Leverage a dynamic pool of drivers

hiring to hire delivery drivers

Accelerated hiring

ontime to hire delivery drivers

Get your time back

optimised ad to hire delivery drivers

Optimise ad spend

scale bussiness to hire delivery drivers

Strategise and scale your business

self sufficient to hire delivery drivers

Stay self-sufficient


Anticipate driver recruiting for evolving delivery demands

Capable of accurate, station-wide intake forecasting, the ATS helps manage volatility in the demand for drivers.

target setting s to hire delivery drivers
target set 1 to hire delivery drivers
target setting web to hire delivery drivers
candidate app l to hire delivery drivers
candidate app l 1 to hire delivery drivers
Application Flow

Track candidate applications with ease

The Application Flow sends out automated notifications to alert you when a process needs your attention or when an applicant progresses to the next stage.

candidate app s to hire delivery drivers

Monitor your station hiring

The forecasting dashboard uses data visualisations to display data and identify trends, allowing the recruitment team to gain valuable insights and keep you on track for your desired hiring targets.

dashboard s to hire delivery drivers
hiring performance 7 to hire delivery drivers
Frame 26300 to hire delivery drivers
discover 1 1 to hire delivery drivers

Discover its potential,
Get a hands-on experience.

Access free demo

Remote Hiring Manager

Busy bringing business?

If you have little to no time to manage your recruitment funnel, we got you covered. Our Remote Hiring Manager will not only streamline your hiring processes via our recruiting software but will also ensure that all incoming applicant interviews are in-line with your schedule.

Learn more
w lmr to hire delivery drivers

Scalable pricing plans

We support companies of all sizes that need to hire qualified delivery drivers quickly in order to be profitable. Find our ATS’ recruiting and onboarding features below and select a free trial that currently suits your needs

Standard plan

Get going


Per month

Features in the standard plan

Maximum published job duration: 30 days

Approve, reject or edit job postings

System-wide search

Application tracking & onboarding

Filter grid data

Export data to Excel

Professional plan

Get growing


Per month

All standard plan features

Maximum published job duration: 60 days

Source candidates from anywhere

Smart forecasting of hiring funnel

Continuous recruiting dashboard

Demand-based hiring targets

Reminders (email, SMS, in-app, web-hooks)

Take it out for a spin with a 30 day free trial.

Your chance to win a three month subscription of Professional Plan! No card required.

Request free trial